In Peace

Healing and Empowerment: Transforming Health Challenges into Strength and Joy

Diline Abushaban Season 1 Episode 14

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What if your greatest challenges could transform into your most profound strengths? This episode of "In Peace," provides an exploration of navigating long-term health struggles and the role emotions play in our healing journeys. We'll uncover the transformative effects of fully feeling and expressing our emotions—whether through talking, writing, or crying—and how validating our feelings can reprogram our mindset. Reflecting on Rumi's wisdom, "What hurts you blesses you," we explore how health challenges can uncover life's true joys and remind us of the simplicity we often overlook.

Discover the incredible influence of empowering language and writing in maintaining a resilient and positive outlook amid adversity. We'll dive into practical examples of shifting from victim language to empowering affirmations, and how this simple change can bolster inner strength. Together, we'll reframe negative thoughts, viewing each challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace the idea that pain and hardship can be our greatest teachers, guiding us toward a deeper sense of purpose. Tune in for heartfelt wishes of peace, joy, love, and healing as we navigate this path together.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, peace be upon you wherever you are on this planet. Welcome back to In Peace with me, delene Abushaban, where we come together to listen, to reflect, to heal and to grow. And in today's episode, I want to focus on the topic of having a health challenge and how this topic is really important because many people are affected by having different health challenges, long-term health challenges, and it can affect their whole experience in life, the way how they see things and how they experience different ways of life. And it is important to have tools to have a mindset that can help whoever is going through such a challenge to move away from feeling victimized, move away from feeling weak, moving away from feeling less than others who don't have such a challenge, moving away from feeling regrets or feeling the deep pain into moving to a better, much better place, into a much empowering place, into an in-peace state of mind, state of being, in peace, a state of mind, state of being, and into their own power, even through the most challenging health challenges. So and it is important when going through such challenges is to to watch how we feel. Let these feelings come out as they wish. Talk about your feelings, let them out, write a letter to yourself about what exactly that makes you feel, how maybe sometimes even people who know about that challenge made you feel about yourself. Let all these emotions out, let all these feelings out. Let all these feelings out, because it is important to let them out, rate them, see them, ask yourself why you feel them and allow them. It is very, very important to allow them to come out from the very beginning and in that way, you teach yourself to be in peace with them and validate yourself. Validate every single emotion that you're feeling. Validate every single emotion that you're feeling. Of course, it's valid that you will feel in pain. It is valid that maybe the automated reaction will be the first thing why me, why me, why now? And all these questions that maybe do not serve you, but they are part of the human nature. The automated reaction. Let them out. And after you let everything out, how you feel the pain. You need to cry, cry.

Speaker 1:

Now it is time to try and reprogram yourself, reprogram the way you look at the situation of having such a challenge, reprogram all the thoughts that you had labeled to this challenge. And I'm not saying okay, so you're saying that I can simply say having this challenge or this condition, I can just say, oh's about writing and asking yourself the right questions. Okay, I have this condition. Why do I have it? What is this trying to tell me? To tell me, asking yourself what is the wisdom? I'm sure there is a wisdom behind this challenge. There is something, there is a meaning of having such a challenge and asking yourself and asking yourself how can this be something that is for me, not against me? So, trying to see it that way, trying to ask these questions, that will lead you to a meaning. And sometimes you don't need to pick up the meaning straight away.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes just write in and say into yourself okay, I am going through this health challenge. I know there is a meaning behind this. I know there is a lesson I need to learn through this. I know there is a message, a purpose for this and they know I can handle it. I know if I was chosen for this. It means that I can handle it.

Speaker 1:

And when you say these affirmations to yourself, when you ask these affirmations to yourself, when you ask these right questions to yourself, it means that you are choosing to move from pain to power. And it takes work, it takes determination, it takes patience, a lot of patience. But it really makes life worth living. It makes challenges worth going through, because sometimes, when we don't learn the wisdom or the lesson, that a particular challenge, especially when it's a health challenge, in this case, it means, even if we ever recover and then did not get to grasp the lesson, it means it might come back on a different way through a different challenge. But if the lesson was not learned, it means that the, the teacher will be a different thing or a more difficult thing. So, basically, having a chronic health challenge is a teacher and, if not, even a blessing, if not even a blessing, because it comes for us, for the human being, to grow in life, for them to learn so many things that the very most healthy people never get to learn in life.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying, oh, this means we need to wish to. God forbid to have a health challenge or anything like that. Of course not. Of course not. We should always pray for our wellness, for our well-being. That is, of course, that is a blessing. But I am saying, if you find yourself in such a situation of having that, which anybody can have that in any stage of their lives, that is part of life and it comes to wake something up within us. It comes to teach us so many lessons, so many wisdoms about this life.

Speaker 1:

Um, and there is a quote that I love by Rumi that says what hurts you blesses you. And I remember when I heard this first I was a bit puzzled at that time. What does that even mean? Can what hurt us bless us? And then, just reflecting deeply and then going through things in life, this, this is one of the deepest and most truthful statements you can ever hear, because indeed the pain, the hurt, comes to teach us something, for us to connect deeply within ourselves, for us to find, learn the real meaning of life, because if someone loses something, go through deep pain within their health.

Speaker 1:

A deep challenge, a deep challenge. It really helps to find meaning, to remember the new, the true meaning of life, the true joys, the simplicity in life, the things that, before going through that, human beings usually take for granted. So sometimes these health challenges come like a slap on the face to remind human beings of the simplicity of life, the joy, the most beautiful things that they used to take for granted before. And of course, not everybody gets to learn that easily, or not everybody who goes through a health challenge, would feel that way, and the reason, the main reason for that is having that mindset of feeling victimized, of feeling sorry for themselves, of giving up to that health challenge. So it makes them miss out a lot on the real wisdom why this challenge came. And trust me, such challenges do not come for you to suffer, do not come for you to feel pain, do not come for you to punish you. No, no, no, none of this.

Speaker 1:

All these challenges come for you, to bless you with the lessons, with the teachings, with the purification through going through pain. So when you start reflecting in that way through your health challenge, you really find peace. You really, you know, little by little shway, shway as we say in Arabic the lessons will come to you more and more and more. It's like you're unlocking the lessons. The more you feel content, the more you feel, okay, there are lessons. I am in a receptive mode to receive all these lessons. They will come to you. You will see things, events will happen and it'll help you see through all the wisdom, everything and in the middle of all this, it will actually help you heal. Heal through this health challenge and you'll feel, you will notice you feel so much better within yourself. You feel so much better having that health challenge, having that health challenge, and once you start learning, things will improve and depending on what challenge you have, what health challenge you have, you might even heal 100 percent.

Speaker 1:

So it all needs work. I know it needs a lot of work, a lot of self-knowledge, a lot of self-awareness, a lot of intentions. So of course, um, it's not I don't want to say it's not easy, because I want you to program yourself that it will be easy. So, because it's always good to have ease in everything we do. But it will have. It will need time, it will need energy, it will need awareness, it will need a lot of inner work, but it will make it worth it. It will make it worth it going through all this hassle of going through a health challenge. But it's not only that. It will make it a very empowering experience. It will make it a very empowering experience. You will also inspire others through this experience when they see you, despite your challenge, you're still you know in peace, you're still strong, you're still doing things, act, taking action. So you will also inspire others. And sometimes the deepest pains, the deepest health challenges, can be actually how you are chosen for these challenges to be able to be the teacher of every single soul that go through it. So let me explain by an example.

Speaker 1:

I I love this story. It's about an Omani lady. She is a businesswoman and she's so, so successful. She opened so many branches of a charity that supports those who have disabilities and it's you know, it's goodness spread everywhere through these, these charities that she opened, she helped thousands of those who have these disabilities. And guess what was her story? She was disabled herself and she did not give up. She did not say, oh, why me this life? And started all that victimized questions. She did not do any of that. She said to the person she was telling the story to look. I said to myself I'm sure there is a wisdom why I have this disability. I know exactly what it means to have this disability. I know the challenges. So I know it's not only me who is going through this and I want to support every single person who's going through this.

Speaker 1:

So this kept her going and this kept her stronger and stronger to face her disability, then grow through it, then having the right mindset to open up her own businesses, own charity. Open up her own businesses, own charity, becoming so successful that she could open up so many branches supporting thousands of those who are disabled and I don't like this word, by the way but who have different disabilities, different abilities. She supported them to find their powers, to find how they can grow, what they can do best, how they become creative. All this goodness came from one beautiful human being who had this challenge. It chose to make their challenge their power and a way of spreading goodness, a full of joy, full of hope, full of a creativity. So I love this story and I thought it is the best example how sometimes, if not all the time, actually, actually the challenges come to particular people, to chosen ones, for them to have to find their passion, to find their purpose from that particular challenge.

Speaker 1:

So if you go through particular disability that, like this lady, a particular chronic illness, particular injustice, a particular whatever this was, I know we're focusing today about they health, a challenge bit, but it could be anything that causes, can cause pain. So anything that causes pain it's really the way this particular pain is is it's your message, it's your purpose, a way to find your purpose in life and a way of you being like this messenger that experienced this difficulty, to be able to feel the pain of others and and be the source of goodness, the source of support for those hundreds, millions of people. If you, if you choose to see it this way, if you choose power over pain, and then things will be unlocked for you and that the way to make it easier for you to fulfill this message to be able to support others also will be paved for you. To fulfill this message, to be able to support others also will be paved for you is the right reasons, the right times, the right events, the right people. All will come to you to serve you, serve your purpose through your pain, just like our Omani friend, lady um.

Speaker 1:

The other thing I wanted to add about a change in the way we look at our challenges health challenges is how you can move away from the pain to power through, and how important that is, um, for you to be able to act more to create joy and happiness in your life. When you come to deal with your challenges from a power place, you will also be able to do what is needed for your own self-growth. You will also be able to act. You will be able to love and spread peace in this world when you stay away from the victim mindset, focusing on pain, focusing on feeling helpless. No, you stay away from that. You stay away from all that helplessness, all that feeling paralyzed, and choose your own power, the real power, the power that spread love in this world. And this coming into your health challenge from that place will leave you very free and very liberated from the pain, even if you maybe can feel some pain you will feel. You will feel liberated still from the pain because the faith of knowing that there is a bigger picture, there is a bigger wisdom, there is goodness within this, hidden maybe at a time, but a welcome, and you will see it. And you can use your pain as a way to serve others, to empower others, when you choose to come and deal with it from a power place and deal with it from a power place, and you will always feel a sense of endless peace when you have this mindset. Okay, what are practical ways to develop and keep such a mindset? I think it is very important when you want to help yourself.

Speaker 1:

Adopting any mindset really is to write. When you write, your brain can see what you write, your through your eyes and this is the great way to save this information and save it for longer, and the more you write it, the more also you write it on a bigger piece of paper, where you can always see it in front of you. This will always remind you. So whenever something happens that might put you down or put you in a low mood, or or, or when you see that what you wrote, you remember your power, you remember the hidden goodness within whatever challenge you're going through, you remember that and it keeps you going, it keeps you strong and it keeps you in peace. So it is important to write on a piece of paper on your fridge, maybe anywhere that you can see.

Speaker 1:

Always a write something like I choose to move away from pain to power. I choose to own my own power. I know that my pain is here for me to grow, for me to find my purpose and help others find peace and find joy within their challenges. Write these affirmations, write them in front of you, where you can see them every morning, read them and smile when you see them. It's very empowering for you. It's very I'll fill you with energy, with positivity, I'll fill you with hope always and with a motivation for you to find your purpose through that pain, on taking action, what you can do to help others who might be going through a similar thing, others who might be going through a similar thing or any other pain, motivate you to do more for them. Because when you do more, when you give, when you serve through the pain honestly, you feel so much relief, so much relief, you feel so much peace, so much purpose, so much motivation to keep you going and again it'll help you heal, heal, heal, heal deeply from within and you'll notice improvement in your challenges through these health challenges with time. So it is so important that you write positive affirmations that how you choose to move away from pain to power, how you choose to find your purpose through your pain to empower others, how you choose to move through this challenge with ease and with peace.

Speaker 1:

Also, it's very important to choose your words. It is easy to fall into the trap again with using a victim language a and I know this. This is not your fault or it's just the way how sometimes even some professionals say things. It can be very, very dispowering and very limiting and very disheartening. So it is important for you to choose your own language, your own words in a way that empowers you. It doesn't matter what anybody else says, whatever professional it was, when they say any negative words in front of you, you can tell yourself from within. I choose not to take this and I choose not to process these thoughts or these, what they're saying, and so it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect how you feel about yourself, it doesn't affect you having a low mood. So that is very important again, and you can yeah, we can't control what others say, but you can control what you say to yourself, what you tell yourself.

Speaker 1:

So there are some words that usually people who go through a health challenge often use sadly and that it makes them lose their power and being stuck in a circle of pain. So I can suggest a few words. You can write them down, I'll say them as slowly as I can, but these are so important to me to be extra mindful of the use of your words through a health challenge, through any challenge really, that can help you overcome it in a more empowered way, and the words that you need to avoid. The first one I can't, and, of course, anybody who goes through a health challenge challenge, even sometimes if it's as small as a flu, it's so easy to keep saying I can't do this, I can't do that, but it is so important to be mindful of your word during the this journey. So, instead of saying I can't, say I will not, because in this way, you are giving the message that you are in control. Yes, maybe you will not because quote, unquote you can't, but you do want for your mind to keep hearing the word can't. You'll be, you'll feel out of control and, um, you feel lack of ability, and this does not help you improve your situation in any way. So let's stay away from saying I can't to saying I will not.

Speaker 1:

Also, the use of word oh, what should I do? What will I do? Now, you know these words that represent helplessness. You can switch them. Instead of saying, oh, what should I do? What will I do, you can say I know I can handle this, I know I'm going through this because I am capable of handling it. You can imagine the shift. It's a great shift. Yes, it's a play with words, but it makes a huge difference and it makes your whole mindset changes. So, what should I do? What will I do? I do? You know that state of panic question. You can always change it. I can handle this, I know I can handle this, that sort of self-belief, self having the faith you can do it. You can handle it. You can do it, you can handle it.

Speaker 1:

Also, words like, oh, this is horrible, it's terrible, and all these things, it changed them to look. This is a learning experience for me. This is a teacher, for me, a free teacher, I am a chosen one, okay, so it's a great shift again from it's terrible, it's horrible that it is a learning experience. So you'll get all the goodness, all the lessons, all the beauty through this experience. It's really important, then, other things that people often say, especially through difficult challenges, challenging experiences, things like, oh, life is so hard life. Instead, you can choose to say to yourself life is a journey, life is an adventure. Again, a great shift. You will see, you will notice, you will observe a huge shift in your health challenge through this simple changes of words, simple but significant other things you need you can a change is things like it's a problem again, change it. It's an opportunity, an opportunity for me to grow.

Speaker 1:

And also, what many people would say, oh, if only, if only, and that's like regrets, having regrets. No, you can't change that. You can swap it with next time I or next time this will happen. So in a way that is full of hope, full of positivity, instead of holding into regrets, which does not serve us in any way. So these are really small examples. There are so many words that you can train yourself to become mindful of the words that take your power away, that keep you stuck in pain. No, become mindful of them so you can switch them, you can change them in a way that serves you, that keeps you in a power place and in a place that will help you through the journey of going a health challenge will make it a journey that is a fulfilling one, a journey that is full of beauty rather than pain, full of power, full of awareness, full of lessons and full of deeper, deeper, deeper self-knowledge and finding your true purpose to empower others who a might be going through the same pain as you. So empower them through your pain, pain by helping them, supporting them, just like our Omani friend who we just discussed her story.

Speaker 1:

I think I said what I really wanted to cover. There is so much to be said about this topic. I think I covered the main points. Your heart received the message that I really wanted for you to receive and for you to feel in peace, to feel empowered, to feel that you truly are a chosen one, that you truly are a chosen one because you have this particular health challenge. It is for you, it is not against you. You are not less because you have this. You are not weak because you have this. You are not punished because you have this. You are not a punished because you have this. You are a chosen one and, and I pray today's episode helps you see that.

Speaker 1:

Feel that, um, they want to end this with with a quote that I really like. To be honest, I don't know who said it, but, uh, yeah, I think it's either rumi or his best friend and the. The quote says um says human beings learn in an hour of test that they could not learn in years of wellness. Yeah, I think I'll leave you with this and I think this particular sentence tells you how you are a chosen one. Because you have this pain and you've been chosen. You learned a lot more than so many people who never experienced that pain.

Speaker 1:

Um, and that is so precious. Make use of it, uh, empower others through it and and acknowledge yourself, acknowledge your strength, acknowledge your power, um, and it's all part of this life experience. It is all for us to grow, to heal, to help others. So enjoy it as you can and focus on the goodness. I change the, the words that you use, make them empowering, make them full of peace, full of healing. And, yeah, I pray for lots of healing, lots of goodness, lots of healing, lots of goodness, lots of passion and finding your purpose through your pain and finding joy in every situation, for every one of you. And, yeah, until I find you next time in a new episode, I wish you all peace, joy, love and healing. Salam alaikum.

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