In Peace

Finding Balance and Transformation in the Rhythms of Autumn

Diline Abushaban Season 1 Episode 13

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What if you could transform your life simply by observing the changing seasons? Discover the profound wisdom hidden in nature's cycles on this episode of "In Peace." As we transition into the serene beauty of autumn, we reflect on how embracing the natural rhythms of the seasons can teach us acceptance, balance, and the transformative power of change. As the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisp, we explore how these shifts in nature can mirror and inspire our own personal transformations.

Join us as we use the imagery of autumn to symbolize letting go of negative thoughts and self-talk, much like leaves falling from trees. Celebrate the small joys of the season, such as a peaceful walk in the woods, and find inspiration in nature's ever-changing beauty. Embrace growth with gratitude and look forward to the journey ahead, finding peace and fulfillment in every season of life.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, salaam, peace be upon you wherever you are on this planet. Welcome back to In Peace, where we come to listen, to reflect and to grow. In this episode, I'd love to focus on a topic that I really love, on a topic that I really love and really changed my life when I become more mindful of this, and this topic is the changes in seasons and how becoming very mindful of the changes, becoming in tuned with the changes of the different seasons, really helps you to find ease and acceptance in different situations and different stages of your life. And what really inspired this the the change that we're going through at the moment of seasons a coming into autumn and observing the beautiful changes in the colors of the trees, the nice crispy weather outside, observing all the changes and how the days becoming shorter, the night becoming longer, slowly, slowly, and how we can use reflecting on all this, how we can use it to reflect within what changes are going on within us, how we can use this time of year to observe the things that we can learn from these seasons and we can use to grow in life, to grow in this stage of our lives and give ourselves a gentle push that, as nature changes. And that's a very, very natural process in the whole universe, in the whole components of nature, us as human beings, as part of this nature, as part of this universe. Change must be part, a natural part, of our lives, of our different stages in life, and how we can learn to embrace change rather than fear it, and how we can. It's again, it's a natural thing to have this fear as human beings, but how we can learn to walk through the fear. And this is all we can learn from this natural change in different seasons of life, in different seasons of nature. So this is what we are going to talk about today, and I'd love each one of you to reflect on your own life and on how you can learn from these seasons.

Speaker 1:

You become extra mindful of the change of seasons and be grateful of this change in seasons because sadly, in this time and age, most people walk through this life just without thinking about what's going on outside in nature. And if this, if the season changes oh, autumn again, we're gonna have these long nights in autumn and winter. I can't stand that. So use it as an opportunity to complain rather than an opportunity to be grateful for this change. And of course, there are ups and downs. There are quote unquote good and bad. There are and negative, if you like in each season, things that we like, things that we don't like about that season.

Speaker 1:

But the best attitude to have through these changes and seasons is to have gratitude for this change, to focus on the positive side of each season, what you really like about this season, and use it for your own growth and, again, the other side that you maybe don't like so much. Also, you can use it as a learning opportunity, as a way of learning to adapt these situations, to grasp lessons of of of these situations, of having a positive attitude towards it, no matter what it was. And this is something that I love about the change of seasons and how I use the change of seasons as a motivation for myself to keep the circle of change in my life, to embrace the change, to overcome the fears in order to be in the flow and in a state of flow always, which is a beautiful state to be that helps you always to cultivate your inner peace, which is what this podcast is all about. What this podcast is all about. So the trick is really to understand and grow through your own emotional seasons, and it always comes from knowing what to look for, how to apply the lessons we learn from the changes in seasons. The wisdom is really to focus on three beautiful insights or components, which are acceptance, balance and my favorite one that I already mentioned is the change.

Speaker 1:

So how can we really learn acceptance through seasons? So it's basically through learning to be in a flow state because and learning that there are things this is out of our control. And learning this from seasons, from the changing seasons, really teach us acceptance and accepting that there are things that are out of our control and we should make peace with that instead of complaining about it, wasting our energy in complaining or resisting. So the change of seasons really remind us of a really key component of inner peace, which is acceptance, accepting the change that sometimes can be thrown at us, but also embracing change and accepting this is a really need in life to grow and not just be in the same position, in the same state, in the same situation for so many years without change, because we are too fearful of that change.

Speaker 1:

And I love a saying by Rumi which means we do not die when we lose our lives. We die when we stop changing, when we are stuck in the same situation for so, so long that we become mindless of how to do things or what we're doing. And I find wisdom in that, saying that really, people can lose their lives if they stop growing, if they stop changing. And most of the time this is the case because of fear, because of refusing to accept that change is part of life, to accept that there are things that are out of control but other things that we can weaknesses. We have strengths, just like the seasons do. And, reflecting on the weaknesses, we have what we can control, what we can control and what we can do to change them within our control, a to to improve ourselves, to grow, but also reflect on our strengths, how we can use our strengths for our favor.

Speaker 1:

The same as the seasons, there are strengths, there are beauty in each season, for example, autumn, the beautiful colors and the. The longer night slowly, slowly gives you more time to to sit in indoors, appreciate the warmth of your place. Noticing the beautiful colors give you joy, really seeing that. But also you can reflect on the weaknesses. Maybe you don't like longer nights, you don't like colder nights either, but also, again, it makes you more grateful for the blessings, of having a shelter, a place to stay, of observing how these beautiful miracles that we take for granted have an actually a day and have a night, and how what we can learn from both times. It's very important and when we reflect on both the strengths and weaknesses, it all helps us to accept it and try to accept it, give our mind the opportunity to focus on the positive of each season, of each change we go through, and this is how we learn acceptance.

Speaker 1:

The other, so the other insight we can learn from the change of seasons is balance, because each season throughout the year has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but we need the light and darkness to for growth, for our own growth. And everything that happens in this life, as I, always happens to pave the path for you, for the next chapter of your life, for what happens next in your life. And the more you notice how everything is connected, the more you will gather wisdom from nature. You will gather lessons from the change of seasons. You will gather lessons from the change of seasons and the more this experience of life for you will become richer and more meaningful and more enjoyable. Really, no matter what the situation is, you will always find the lessons to grow and to find experience, good experience for you, and this is how you always cultivate again your inner peace. The other, and this is how you always cultivate again your inner peace.

Speaker 1:

The other insight that we can observe the more mindful we are of nature around us, how we can see it physically really is a reminder for us that sometimes, despite the fact that change sometimes is not easy, it can be sometimes even unpleasant, despite the fact that change sometimes is not easy, it can be sometimes even unpleasant, but as we go through life's seasons, it helps us to understand our position within this change in seasons and how. As we are part of nature, as human beings, so change is really inevitable in this life journey. And when we acknowledge, when we recognize and acknowledge this, our life journey becomes so much easier. Our um, us going through change, a whether it's through a difficult situation or any kind of change, really becomes so much easier when we remember well, this is natural. The seasons are changing, everything's changing in nature. So it is natural for me to go through this change and, yes, acknowledge it might not be easy, it might be scary sometimes, but we learn to embrace it and appreciate it, go through it with ease, just as the nature goes through this change in seasons, as we're embracing autumn at the moment.

Speaker 1:

I love autumn. I love the lessons that we can learn from autumn and how there are some key lessons that we can learn through the season and learn what is autumn. It's all about the good things that we can see in autumn, as we talked about, beautiful leaves, the beautiful colors all this change really really beautiful in autumn. But one, one big lesson in autumn that I really love and I know so many people can struggle with um is letting go, and it is not an easy thing to do, but autumn comes to you to remind you that it is a must.

Speaker 1:

If you want to go through a fulfilling life, if you want to go through, to keep growing in life, you must let go of things that do not serve you anymore, just as all the beautiful trees that we see in autumn let go of all these leaves, like a huge amount of leaves. We can learn from the trees how letting go of things that do not serve us, of situations, of, most importantly actually, of thoughts, of beliefs that do not serve us. It is time to reflect on all this and reflect how letting go of these thoughts, of these beliefs, of these situations, of particular circumstances, sometimes even friendships, relationships, reflecting on all these things and what is and what we really need to let go of, is really good for us. This is the best time to reflect on this and reflect that. We know it is not easy to let go, but it is really a must for us to grow and for us to make space for the good things, for the things that we are meant to do and meant to be a make space for these things to come into our lives. So reflect on your thoughts. What have you been thinking about for so, so long? But it is now the time to let go of? How many times have you been telling yourself I can't do this. Oh, this is too difficult for me. It is time to let go of these thoughts. It is time to let go of the different beliefs that you were holding on for so long that really are standing as a barrier between you and you becoming your best self. You're becoming a your new self for this season.

Speaker 1:

So things like difficult emotions. Also, you have some anger, some grief you're holding on to and not dealing with it, not taking the right steps to let go of these emotions, to let it out in whatever way that can help you, whether it's self-help methods or whether it's you need to see someone, a therapist or a healer, to help you. Let go of these difficult emotions that, if you keep inside of you, it can be really dangerous for you. It can cause physical illnesses and diseases. So now is the time to let go of these things.

Speaker 1:

Now is the time to dig deep within you, ask yourself what difficult emotions am I holding inside of me? Why am I not letting go of them? Why am I not letting go of them? Why am I not letting them out? What can I do next to help myself? Let go of these things and write all these things down and take action, a quick action. Remember, you are in autumn, now. It is the natural thing to do and doesn't matter how scary it can be, for you acknowledge that all order to grow, in order to be part of this nature, going with the flow, with the beauty of this universe. It is time for me to let go of these. It is time for me to let go of these and I will do this, this and this, whether it's seeing a healer, whether it's taking the right steps for self-help, a connecting with nature more writing down your pains, crying, walking, do whatever helps you to let go of the difficult emotions, to let go of the grief, and remember it will be an ongoing process, but let autumn be the start, if you haven't started yet, of letting go as much difficult emotions as you can, liberate yourself from this burden within you so you become light and you become ready to move forward in life.

Speaker 1:

Let go of the negative thoughts, of the negative self-talk that you've been telling yourself about yourself, and it's not true. Let go of all these thoughts about yourself or about things around you. So let go of all the negativity and all the negative thoughts, replace it with positive talk. And this is not a thing that you do on one day or two, but use autumn as a natural season of change, of letting go, to start letting go of these things, to start writing these thoughts and make like a promise with yourselves that you, you are letting go of these thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts, with positive affirmations, and this can be through keeping writing the positive things about you. You can also write the negative thoughts, so you know them, that they're just thoughts and they are not truths about yourself, and you can replace them with more empowering thoughts about yourself, with beautiful thoughts that will help you grow, will help you become a source of light on this earth.

Speaker 1:

Now is the time autumn is the time for this change of this. Imagine all these thaws, as these are your old leaves, just like the trees, and it is time for them to fall on the ground and then evaporate. To fall on the ground and then evaporate, and, yeah, for new leaves to you will be able to receive new leaves and fresh leaves, fresh thoughts, fresh ideas, fresh actions that you need to take to become your new version of yourself, your best self for the upcoming seasons. So to me, this is the best lesson from autumn. It can be a really. It can be difficult for some, but we need to challenge ourselves.

Speaker 1:

What is the point of life if we keep doing the same thing, if you keep thinking the same thoughts, if we keep the old things that do not serve us in our lives? It just makes life meaningless. So the more we change, the more we let go, the more space we keep for better things to come, for better people to come, for better opportunities to come, for better ideas, for better thoughts, actions, beliefs to come into our lives, and this is the natural process, this is the this of it. So you become your best self in this life, you'll have a more meaningful life. And this way, really, life becomes like a beautiful, fun, joyful process and you become from a new version to a newer through these seasons, over and over again. And the more you become intentional and mindful of all this, it'll become more joyful and it'll become okay, what's next? So I'm this person this time, what I want to do next, how I can grow more, how I can serve others more, how I become more in service for more people, how I can expand, so and you'll keep growing and growing and growing. And the more you do it, the more you enjoy it, the more you keep moving forward in life from a stage to another. And, yeah, such a beautiful life to live in that way.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, keep keep becoming more and more mindful of the changes and seasons, keep more and more appreciative and grateful for the change in seasons.

Speaker 1:

Use all the, the beautiful lessons that you can learn from the, the changes in late in seasons, and the beautiful insights in your life as well, and use them as an opportunity to grow more and more and more from a stage to another, from a season to another.

Speaker 1:

And the more you do it, the more it becomes really next to to the normal, to your new normal, your new natural self.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, enjoy the journey through the change of seasons. Um, yeah, I really hope that you found this a, a way or like a, like a sign or a call for you to to do that gentle push for yourself to do the needed to change, to do the needed to let go of what does not serve you, of thoughts, of beliefs, of situations, circumstances, ideas, is sometimes people. Do the needed to let go of the old things that do not serve you and you will notice the positive change in your life and how that space letting go made will bring you the best and the better things, the better opportunities, the better thoughts, the better beliefs. And, yeah, enjoy it, enjoy it and enjoy, enjoy growing through it and, in the meantime, also enjoy your autumn walks, enjoy the beautiful colors, enjoy the beautiful colors connecting with the beautiful smells, with the walks in the woods, and be grateful in all situations in your life and peace be with you all and looking forward to connecting with you again in the next episode. Salamat.

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