In Peace

Nourishing Your Soul with Early Morning Practices

Diline Abushaban Season 1 Episode 12

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Are you ready to transform your mornings and, by extension, your life? This episode of "In Peace" promises to unlock the secrets of a serene and productive start to your day. Discover the powerful impact of waking up before dawn to harness the unique energy of the early morning hours. We explore how you can gradually adjust your wake-up time and incorporate soul-nourishing practices like prayer or meditation to set a peaceful and empowered tone. Moreover, you'll learn about the invigorating benefits of connecting with natural elements, such as taking a cold shower, which can rejuvenate your body and mind for a more productive day ahead.

Beyond waking up early, we underline the importance of gratitude and movement as vital components of your morning routine. By writing down daily gratitudes, you can shift your focus to life's blessings, fostering a positive mindset. More tips as you.listen through!   Near the end, we emphasize the importance of positive self-talk and self-compassion as you establis new habits. Listen in as I share my personal journey and the new bi-weekly release schedule, continuing our mission of spreading peace, beauty, and growth together.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, peace be upon you wherever you are on this planet. Welcome to In Peace, where we come to reflect, to heal and to grow. In today's episode, I'm going to improve the quality of your day, the quality of your life and the quality of your growth journey in this life. And this and this is the morning routine and how sometimes it can be neglected by many because they think it's a waste of time to do anything in the morning and we just need to rush quickly into work, into our education, whatever we have commitment in the morning, and I believe the key thing or key reason of having a good morning routine is, first thing, is to wake up really early, to wake up as early as you can and they know it can be a challenge for people who maybe are not used to do that or are used to going to bed really late at night. So it's all about reprogramming these habits and reprogramming your mind about your sleeping hour and then your waking up hour, and it's all part of the self-struggle and self-purification and you know, if you're really looking into improving your life, improving the quality of your life, making the most of this gift of life, it is really worth it to do that to wake up early, to acknowledge your self-value, that you really deserve this quality hour, I call it actually, especially the during the dawn time or just even before dawn. That's like a power hour, I call it. It's really. There is a very special energy in that hour. So if you make sure to wake up that early, make the most of that hour, do your routine during that hour. It really helps you to set your start of the day in the right direction. So, yeah, waking up around four five, it really really helps you to start the day in the right direction, because not many people do that. Not many people have the energy, not many people have the awareness, the consciousness to do that. So you, you will be one of the the very few in this world who will wake up at that during that time. Do your morning routine during that time and you'll really really notice how there is abundance in your time throughout the day when you start waking up earlier. Of course, if you wake up at eight at the moment, you don't need to push yourself straight away to wake up really early at four, but you can do it gradually. So you can start with waking up at 7 instead of 8 and then, little by little, shifting it back a bit 6, then 5, then 4. And it'll get easier and easier, trust me. So, yeah, that's a key thing for a morning routine.

Speaker 1:

It's really waking up early, making the most of this peaceful time when most people, most creatures, really are sleeping and it's all peaceful and quiet for you to to do your own thing. And one of the most powerful things to start your day is to start it in feeding your soul, which sometimes so many people at this time and age sadly neglect, neglect with this materialistic world. But really feeding your soul with whatever helps you can be a great kick-starting for the day. Whether it's praying, whether it's meditating, whether it's a combination of both of these things really will start your day with this sense of calm, with this sense of spiritual power that is starting your day with feeding your soul. It's very, very empowering and also connecting yourself with the elements.

Speaker 1:

I personally like to have a cold shower in the morning, and that's connecting with the element of water. It's a really powerful tool to wake you up straight away and not getting you back into your bed or not having that monkey talk. I'd say that, oh, come on, go back to the warmth of your bed or all these things, if you manage to go beyond the alarm bit. So that's a really important bit to connect yourself with the element of water. The colder the better, I'd say, but it will be your choice. But just having that time in the water doesn't need to be long, actually, the shorter the better. It's a really good way to start your day, to refresh you and to wake your body, to give that, that shock to your body that, okay, it's time to wake up, you're awake, you're fully awake now and ready to continue with your very special morning routine. So that's another thing. Of course, I'm giving you things and tips that I tried myself and many successful people I read about also tried and used. So you can, you can use these things, but you can also do your own thing, anything that you feel makes you feel good in the morning. But these are key things that are are used by people that help them to become more productive, to get the flow by with ease, with peace, yeah, so going back into some more tips.

Speaker 1:

So so far, we talked about how it's important to wake up really early, before the majority of people wake up. For me, just before dawn time is a very, very special time and it's like a power hour that really helps you um, connect with yourself on a deeper level. It helps you to connect with with god. You can call it the universe if you're more comfortable with that, um, to me it's god a in a in a much more deeper level and helps you just let out any worries, that you have, any concerns, any stresses, through the prayer, through the meditation, through talking to someone who's more powerful than you, are more powerful than anybody else During that power hour. It really fuels your day and gives you a sense of flow and submission to whatever life will throw at you in a really peaceful way, you in a really peaceful way. And the other thing we talked about is connecting with the elements. So if it's easy for you to have a cold shower or any kind of shower, it really helps your body wake up and it'll be easier for you not to fall asleep again. With having that, you can also go outside, connect with the air, do some breathing. That's also a great way to get that energy in the morning from outside is so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And remember, it's not only you who's gonna be awake. I know I said the majority of people will be sleeping at that moment, which makes it extra special. But I don't know if you know, notice, and you will notice if you start waking up that early, how the sounds of birds, the beautiful singing, and you'll sense other creatures around you are already awake. If you have a pet, you'll feel they're awake during that time. So it's like not just the power hour for human beings but also other creatures on this earth. Wake up during that time to make the most of that hour. And it's a great hour to start your routine, and I know during summertime especially and spring it can come on an earlier time. So in that way you can do your part and especially the feeding your soul part during that time. Then give yourself a couple of more hours sleep and then go back, wake up with the cold shower and do the rest of your morning routine. And I'm talking now about and I'm talking now about especially summer and springtime. Now we're coming into autumn, into winter, the dawn time hour will come later, so it'll be much easier to do it as part of the whole morning routine.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that is really important to include in the morning routine and really, really helps you to throw all the negative thoughts, the negative talk that maybe you had still a from last night or yesterday, and you didn't manage to let these things out before you went to sleep. So now is the time to to write all these things down, to write you are making peace with these things and, most importantly, after that, just set your mind into focusing on the blessings, on the goodness on your life, by writing your, your magic gratitude list. So do your gratitude for the day at least. Write down 10 things that you are grateful for and I know we talked about gratitude in the past episode, so I'm not going to talk much about it but in this list you can include the material things you have, the beautiful people in your life that you have. You can include the spiritual things that you're grateful for. You can include memories that you are grateful for. And the more you do it, the longer your list will become, because it will open up your eyes, your, your heart, your mind to how many blessings you have. No matter what, what difficulty you're going through, or no matter what are the outer circumstances are saying to us, you'll still have that mindset of being grateful, focusing on the goodness, on the blessings, so you'll always be open to more goodness and the other not great things will not look as massive to you, will not look massive in your eyes, in your perspective, because you now trained your mind, your heart, to focus on the blessings, on the goodness, because you're doing it every single day in the morning, meaning even throughout the rest of the day, you're training yourself to focus on the goodness and whatever anything happens someone annoy you, an unexpected thing happened you really never wish for it to happen whatever happens, you'll be able to handle it with peace, with self-discipline, with positive energy. So that's an important thing to include in the morning routine.

Speaker 1:

Another important thing is movement. Whatever exercise you're comfortable with, it's a great way to do it, and it's an extra bonus to do it in the sunlight, in the daylight, daylight. So go outside, do it outside. If you have a nice space, if you're, go for a nice walk. It's a great way to give your body that boost from the sunlight, a vitamin d. How the happiness hormones will go up high when you do that, how you will feel so happy from the very morning, from that early time. It'll all flow to the rest of the day as well. So, yeah, it's important. Movement with sunlight, that's an extra bonus. I know it's not always possible, especially if you live somewhere who sometimes too rainy in the morning or or, but you can make it happen when you can anyway. Other than that, doing movement, some exercise at home, will help boost energy into your body and wake all your cells. Yeah, it's really important to have movement. So you fed your heart, you fed your soul, you moved your body. So it's time to feed your body a a nice or.

Speaker 1:

The best thing really to start before starting you feeding your body is to drink nice and warm water. For me, I love lemon water in the morning. It has beautiful positive impact on your body. Even the smell of lemons is very refreshing, makes you smile straight away when you smell it. You can add some mint into it if it's too, if the taste is too strong for you. But yeah, definitely lemon water is a great way. But you can also choose whatever you feel your body's asking for. You can drink herbal tea, anything. It will be up to you to choose. Maybe not coffee first thing. I feel it's too much for the body, um, but yeah, it's, it'll be your choice. Um, do your research, choose what works for your body, what works for you and go with that. The other thing is a nice protein breakfast.

Speaker 1:

I know also, not everybody likes to eat in the morning and that's fair enough for me. I listen to my body. If I feel I'm hungry, I feel my body wants to eat, I go for it and have a breakfast, but it's not always the case. So listen to your body, what your body is telling you. Maybe, um, your body needs a break. The warm water will be more than enough until you feel your body's asking you for food.

Speaker 1:

I know for so many decades we always hear breakfast is the most important meal and it could be. But also I believe we should listen to our bodies what they have to tell us, because I think that is the best way. If you're not hungry, if you don't feel like eating in the morning, that is a big sign that you really don't need it. Then and maybe it's best to to eat during lunchtime or whenever you feel like eat it. Your body will. It's smart enough to give you signals that it is time to eat. But yeah, it's important and the more you're connected to your heart, your soul, to your body, your more you you will master listening to that and to the needs of your body. And it'll get easier the more you are committed to your morning routine, because that really helps in understanding the language of your heart, of your body, when you have that very power hour for yourself. So that's another thing.

Speaker 1:

So that's another thing, um, these are really the main things that I'd recommend you add into your morning routine. You know, feeding your soul, connecting with the elements of water, of air, of the sunlight, um, waking up early before all that and having movement, whatever movement you're happy with walking, yoga, any kind of exercise, movement your body a. Also. You know drinking nice and warm water. Lemon water a is my favorite, it has beautiful benefits, but again, you can choose any other. A nice herbal tea or just warm water by itself. A breakfast, wise again, listen to your body. What your body is telling you. Um, it doesn't need to be a huge breakfast. Whatever you you feel your body's telling you. Go with that. And the more you are consistent with the morning routine, the more you will feel ease is flowing through your day.

Speaker 1:

And I guess I gave you like a perfect morning routine style and sometimes you don't need to do it every single day. It will be really good to do it every single day. It will be really good to do it, but if a day came and you couldn't do something, don't be too hard on yourself and from my experience through time, the morning routine doesn't need to be fixated, doesn't need to be the very same one every single year, every single day. So it's changeable and the more we grow, the more you'll notice that you will add a new thing maybe, or you will get rid of something to add another thing that feels a better for you in that stage of your life. So it's it's not like a very fixed things. It's very flexible and changeable, but these are like the main things that could be included and you can change it through time as you grow.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, I think I've shared what I really wanted to share today. I really hope that it flow out from my heart to yours. It'll inspire you to add something positive into your day. And you know, be kind, be compassionate with yourself through this journey, through the journey of adding in your habits, adding in your routines into your day. Be judgmental if you missed waking up early, for example, or if you missed meditation, or if you missed this or that um and. And always have this positive self-talk that at least I did this, so next time I'll do that again. And this is how you are always telling your heart, your mind, that you are always on your own side and in this way, yourself will help you improve and grow with ease.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, I wish you all a blessed rest of the week. I wanted also to share that the podcast might not be every week now, it'll be every two weeks, but just because I'm just looking into new ways of podcasting and I'd love to share that with you once it's all nice and set and ready. So that's what I'm using the time for. In all cases, I'm grateful for you all for being way, doing your bit and spreading peace in this world and spreading beauty and growth in this world. So I am grateful for you all and looking forward to connecting with you again in the next episode. Salamat.

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