In Peace

Patience- Transforming Your Life and the World Through Inner Work. Episode 5

Diline Abushaban Season 1 Episode 5

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Can patience truly transform your life and the world around you? In this thought-provoking episode of "In Peace," we explore the powerful virtue of patience—a blend of acceptance and hope that helps us navigate life's challenges without giving into anger or a victim mindset. We discuss practical steps for cultivating patience, self-reflection and asking insightful questions like, "What is this trying to teach me?" We'll show you how embracing patience can not only help you endure difficult times but also keep you committed to your long-term goals.

Moreover, we reflect on the current situation in Gaza, we discuss the importance of maintaining hope and acting against injustice without falling into despair. Our episode underscores the profound impact of inner work on fostering global peace and justice. By prioritizing personal growth and self-purification, we can contribute meaningfully to a world where peace and justice prevail. 

I hope this episode make you reflect deeply. Salamat! 

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Speaker 1:

Hello, salaam, everybody, welcome back to In Peace with me, delene, where we come to reflect, heal and to grow. We were due to be on yesterday, on Monday, which was the intention, but I had issues with uploading the episode, so here I am recording again. So thank you for your patience, which take us actually to the topic of the episode, which is patience. And the reason I chose it because I feel it's really connected to last week's topic of acceptance and acceptance is really, if I want to put patience and acceptance into an equation, it will be acceptance plus hope equals patience. Acceptance plus hope equals patience. Yeah, so to explain more, patience is really all about enduring or even embracing life difficulties, life challenges or even difficult people, without giving in to anger or giving in to the automated reaction of the victim mindset and without giving up hope. So patience is all about being in control of our anger, of our automated reaction, of a victim mind why is this happening to me? And also, at the same time, having hope that something good will come out of this, that there is a gift always after patience, and we really need patience in our life, not just during difficult times or challenges, but also to achieve anything in life. You really, you really need to have patience. You really need to have it as a skill, as a virtue, to be able to fulfill and achieve things in life. So it's one of the keys to success and fulfillment in life, because if you want to work, if you want to fulfill a degree, if you want to write a book, this all needs patience to go right and and to actually work out well. And an example of this is the recording and how, despite the fact it was a really good one and was excited to share it, but did not work out. So I could have chosen okay, this is not working, I'm not going to do this anymore. Blah, blah, which is the automated reaction. But then, if we really want to achieve something and keep going, we go back to ourself and ask the right questions Okay, I'm sure there is a wisdom behind that. Let's keep going. Is a wisdom behind that? Let's keep going?

Speaker 1:

And this is how you you succeed in achieving things that you really want to do and in doing your bit to everyone in the world. So it takes self-control, it takes self-reflection and it takes also sticking with being positive and sticking with hope that things will be better, that what you're hoping to happen will happen, and when there is difficulty, you're sticking with hope that things will be better, that there is something that you might not see at the moment, but it will will be a good thing. That will be the outcome of this difficulty. So, yeah, how can we, how can we be patient? How can you put it into practice if you, if it's something that not really being taught at schools or college, even though it's a really important thing, but really it's all about putting into practice and all about self-reflection and getting out of the victim mind. And how we can do that and put it into practice easily by asking ourselves the right questions and writing them down, not just asking ourselves and leaving it no to start with, especially if patience is not your greatest strength.

Speaker 1:

And you can start from today. Ask yourself some questions, write them down, write an honest answer down, and this is how you keep growing and getting out of the automated reaction of impatience into patience. And one of the questions feel free to start writing these down is okay, what is this trying to teach me? So, instead of asking the automated question of why is this happening to me, you'd ask yourself what is this event, this tribulation, this loss. What is it trying to teach me? And write the the things that it could it could be playing a great role in teaching you and just write everything down, everything that you can think of, and you'll be amazed of how many things will come out on paper.

Speaker 1:

And the other question that you can ask yourself is what is this trying to teach me? Something about myself? Because everything in life, whether it's for the human beings or in nature, it really happens for the growth of these things, of the human beings. Everything happens for growth. That's like a law in nature. Sometimes we get blinded with the overwhelming of the events that we're going through, into the automated reaction of being stuck in the suffering circle that we were talking about last week. But to be able to take the benefits of the test of the tribulation, it's key for us to ask these right questions, to make the most of these tribulations and instead of missing out of this opportunity of growth. So when we see, as this is happening for me to grow and it's not happening against me, that's again a game changer and you're in choosing the path of growth rather than falling into the path of suffering, and asking these questions will really help you to get into the power, the path of growth. So the first question you ask what is this trying to teach me? Write everything that this is teaching you. And then, what is this trying to teach me something about myself? Write everything down. Write everything down.

Speaker 1:

Also, you could ask yourself what is good about what's happening at the moment? And sometimes in the darkest times, it's difficult to see quote-unquote good in them. But it's good to to challenge yourself and and try to grasp as much as you can what you really what there is something good happening out of this or could happen in the future. So you use your hope as well, and if it's really too dark at this time, you really can't see anything good in it. And then also, we need patience sometimes when we wish for so many things to happen. So this is the other question you ask yourself if you're in that situation, if you're really wanting something to happen quickly. Well, that's the human nature, russian things. We really want things to happen so quickly for us, but it's all about trusting the wisdom of the delays and things. So, and one of the questions you can ask yourself, if you're waiting for something to happen, getting that job, getting something going somewhere, but still it's not happening. So you can ask yourself a question that can help you to become more patient is what, what is bad about about this thing? That could be, maybe that's why it's not happening.

Speaker 1:

And write the things down and all these things will help you. Will help you build the muscle of patience and make it stronger and stronger, and there is an amazing power in writing things down. Yeah, it, it's good to thank them and it will become just all about default. This is the new default for you. When you practice writing things down and writing these questions and answer truthful answer to these questions, it'll again become, after a lot of practice, it'll become the default and you'll be able to see in your mind without having to write them.

Speaker 1:

But to start with moving away from impatience to patience, it's key to write these things down because there is a power about writing things about your brain, your I see, and what you wrote down. It all helps you take in these things and adopt patients a in a more powerful way. So it's really, really, really important that you write these things down. Hang them on the wall if you want, and these will work out as a really helpful tool for you to keep hopeful, to keep reminding yourself and catching yourself when you're going to fall again into impatience. You can see them and remind yourself okay, patience, patience.

Speaker 1:

And I love how, in some cultures, there is a thing they keep saying sabr, sabr. So the word sabr means patience in Arabic and I know, especially in Morocco and Algeria, I think if they see someone have an impatient attitude, they keep reminding them sabr, sabr, and they love that. How it's really embedded in many beautiful cultures, how it's really embedded in many beautiful cultures. And this is what we all need to be like and adopt this attitude to be able to give more, to be able to always be in control and, most importantly and this is why we're all here and in peace to have this inner peace and and yeah, definitely patience is is all about living in peace within, whatever the outsider world is like. And I know maybe Some of you now are saying, okay, that is great what we're hearing, but how do you explain what's going on in Gaza at the moment?

Speaker 1:

How can you see any good of what is going on in Gaza? Can you see any good of what is going on in Gaza? And again, it's all about trusting the universe, trusting God that we as human beings, we have very, very, very limited mind, very, very limited mind. We don't, we're not able to see beyond the. The very dark times and sometimes this can be really a negative, have a negative impact on us that sometimes some people can lose it all.

Speaker 1:

And and this is again where patience come is okay. We don't know the wisdom at the moment of what's going on in Gaza, but still, again, if we ask ourselves the questions that we just asked, write them down. We really we can write so many things down about the good things that happen, that happened since what's happening in Gaza and how the awakening that happened a to the world and exposing the injustice and all these things. And again, the automated reaction to some will be like yeah, but how is that fair? And this is again the victim mindset.

Speaker 1:

And I believe everything in life is measured and nobody experiences injustice in this temporary life. It will never go in vain and justice will definitely prevail. And I believe in God and you can call it what you're comfortable with and I believe he will make it up for these people. And again, I believe that there are some chosen human beings that really are like the light for this earth. And, yeah, this is how I feel about people of Gaza and, again, this does not mean that we're patient with it, that we do not do our best to raise awareness, to support as we can in our own capacity, in our own, from our space and time, what we content heart, without making anger overcome us and without giving up the hope because there is always hope to practice during these times as much as we can, because being hopeless or helpless, that is not going to support people of Gaza in any way, that is not going to support us in helplessness and in circles of sadness which can become even depression, and all these things will take our power away from us and will make us extra helpless, extra useless for Gaza, for any place and anywhere that experience injustice, experience suffering. So yeah, maybe we are privileged, we are not there in the middle of all this pure injustice and oppression and all these things, but maybe we are chosen to be here, to be a voice for them, to do what we can to raise awareness about what is going on. So, yeah, just remembering, we are human beings, we have limited minds, we cannot see the bigger picture, but time will tell. And keep doing your bit, keep praying, but keep hopeful and don't fall into anger and hopelessness, because this is not going to help you or them in any way.

Speaker 1:

May ease peace and justice uh, always, you know, spread and has that in the whole world. So, yeah, this is patience and this life is a life of tribulations and challenges and difficulties, but all these things always happen for you to grow. So, all the purpose of challenges, of difficulties, difficulties, no matter how dark they are, they always come with the purpose of growth and it's all about moving away from the automated reaction of feeling victim into the, the default setting of moving to patience, to self-reflection, to grasping the lessons of each and every tribulation, which is really important. Yeah, so I know I can talk so much about patience and talk so much about how patience, again, is all about grasping the lessons about ourselves in the darkest times.

Speaker 1:

Going back to the example of Gaza and what is going on in Gaza and all the other places who are suffering and experiencing injustice and lack of peace, we go back, of course, our everybody's reaction oh, we support justice, we support peace, freedom and all these beautiful values that we all agree that everybody should enjoy. But again, do you really go back to yourself and ask yourself okay, do I really put these things into practice? Where are if? Each and every one of us go back to yourself and ask yourself where do I lack freedom, where do I lack injustice or where do I lack justice? Have I do I owe an apology to someone? And my ego is stopping me of doing that.

Speaker 1:

Also, respecting boundaries, because what's happening in Gaza? You know of the injustice and lack of respect of boundaries to these beautiful human beings. Where do you not respect people's boundaries? Where do you not act as a source of peace? And and you act as the opposite. So, asking these questions and dig deep and sometimes you know not. I don't mean things from the surface. There are hidden things within us. Only us deep inside, with the inner work, will tell us about ourselves. Is it things that is restricting you? But you still keeping going because you're concerned about, oh, what's going to happen if I lift this or what's going to happen if I stop doing that? And fear is stopping you of being truly truthful and supporting justice and putting justice into practice.

Speaker 1:

Supporting justice and putting justice into practice, being a source of justice when you are deeply putting into action in your life and peace, being a source of peace, a source of light.

Speaker 1:

And when you do this inner work purely, it really you are really doing your bit for Gaza.

Speaker 1:

A I mean part of your bit, anyway, with the other things that you can do in your own capacity, but this is the most significant work, is your inner work, and when each one of us and the more people who do it, the more powerful it will be and the more impactful it will be and the more we will be able to see more in the world, not just in Gaza, not just in Palestine, but beyond and everywhere, as we always want it to be. So the more people we share this with and facing ourselves, facing our flaws. It's all about purification of ourselves, and it takes time, it takes effort, it takes awareness, but this is what makes life really worth living and beautiful and meaningful, which is how life should be. When everything in the world sometimes drives us to go quickly and we need to achieve things quickly and there is a lot of sense of anxiety, no, but when you start with yourself and keep these self-reflections, this is how things will change, slowly but surely. So keep going and do these things, ask these questions, challenge yourself.

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