In Peace

Healing through Meaning: How reflecting Meaning is so important for Personal Growth

Diline Abushaban Season 1 Episode 7

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Imagine if every challenge and setback in your life was actually a stepping stone to deeper understanding and personal growth. In today's episode we explore the profound themes of meaning, healing, and growth, delving into how events, relationships, and experiences all have deep meanings that play a crucial role in our personal development. Only through reflection, we can see the significance of these occurrences, guiding you to live more mindfully and authentically. Learn how true healing transcends the physical and requires reconnecting with our inner, fearless selves.

We discuss how life's opposites—like illness and health, poverty and wealth, injustice and justice—shape our understanding and drive our passion for change. A personal story highlights the power of maintaining a relaxed, non-desperate attitude towards goals, showing how letting go can lead to smoother, more successful outcomes. 

Listen up to hear more! 


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Speaker 1:

Hello, peace be upon you wherever you are on this planet. Welcome back to In Peace with me, delene, where we all come together to listen, reflect, heal and grow. In today's episode, we are going to talk about meaning meaning, and I believe, as human beings, we are always yearning for meaning in life meaning of events that happen to us, of of things we have. I mean, what is the point of having a meaningless life? It's really going to be a worthless life if, if, if, this is the life that anybody's is aiming for, so full of healing, really, because things happen in life for a meaning and for a purpose. And to be able to grasp meanings of events, of things, of of people that come across our lives, the, the tool that you always have to have is reflecting. Reflecting is very important to to be able to make use of these opportunities to grasp meanings that is really coming into your life, to for you to improve, to and grow, and to see the things within yourself that you need to unlearn and and to improve and and and become closer to why you're here in this life and to the purpose that you were made for a whatever it is and it is different from a person to another. We're all unique in our abilities and what we can give to this world. And, yeah, this is why meaning is very important and why reflecting is even more important, because it helps us to grasp meaning, live a mindful life not just randomly, as many people think, that everything happens randomly or without any thing to to give meaning for. But this can be changed and this can be reprogrammed again. Um, so yeah, as I was saying, it's really everything happens. It happens for us to grow and to heal, and what is the meaning of healing anyway? And I get this question what does it mean to heal? And people sometimes just think healing is is all about healing the physical part of ourselves, but of course it's not. It's the more deeper healing, is the, the healing of our inner world that we we've been always talking about in in this episode, and and that's the real healing. But what does it mean to heal our inner world?

Speaker 1:

So, as you all know, we all were born as babies, beautiful babies, who were so pure and so full of life, full of courage, full of trying new things without any fear. Try new things without any fear. You know, I'm sure, or I think maybe each one of you have met a baby at least once in their lives. So if you observed how a baby act and interact, it's all very pure, very natural, very, you know, sincere and without any fears. And this what really attracts people to babies any kind of human being, no matter how their personalities are or anything there is something that attracts them to babies because, as humans, we love we love purity, really this kind of thing that attracts us and and what we love about babies, what I love about babies is they have no fear and if they had fears they wouldn't be able to to try new things, to, to to be able to learn to communicate and little by little, they can communicate with language and catch so many languages if they have that available around them. Also, walking, how they keep I don't know if you ever observed, you know, a baby when they get into the stage, from crawling into walking, and how amazing brave they are, despite the fact how they fall so many times. They keep standing and trying again and this is how they can walk and why I'm explaining all this is. Really. This is the pure self, the pure self of any human being.

Speaker 1:

But then people grow, babies grow, become teenagers and adults and, of course the environment around them affect them, whether they're parents and then their extended family, then the nursery, then school, then university, all these things you know. They receive programs from their, the surroundings, from them, that teach them how to to fear things, that teach them how to stop doing things because something else can happen, and all these worries and fears that really are being taught through the environment around the human being. So the baby become a child and then a teenager, and all these years they they are fed thoughts and they are fed a programs that can limit them in life and of course, some of them are good ones ones or like things that benefit them in life. But there are really many programs that limit us as human beings that we managed to catch from our childhood, from the environment we were, were people who were around us. So healing is really all about getting out of all these limits and purifying all these limits and all these programs, programs that doesn't serve us and limit us from from doing our purpose in this life for ourselves and for the humanity.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, getting out of these things, it's not gonna be, it's not an easy journey, journey, and this is why the difficulties, the challenges, the losses come to you because these things happen. These events happen to to purify you, to to bring your attention to these programs that you really, as an adult and in a busy life, sometimes it's difficult to reflect on these things or to put it in a different or on a better way. Rather than difficult, maybe you don't really think about reflecting on them or you thought it is what it is or this is, this is how life should be. So these things these losses, challenges, difficulties, hardships all come to wake you up and I know I said this before and I do want you to get fed up of this, but I'm happy to say as many times as I can for you to take it in deeply and to really reflect on it and to really for your subconscious to take it in and you really act on that. So bear with me, I might say this in every episode, but it's really important to see challenges this way and it's very important because this is what healing is all about and seeing these tribulations, losses, difficulties as messengers to bring our attention to the meaning of things, of events, of programs that we need to purify ourselves from so we are able to grow and become the person who will serve, whatever mission we have in this world.

Speaker 1:

Sadly, most people live, they go through these experiences which come for them, for their growth, but they choose to live in the victim mindset. So every time they go through a loss, uh, tribulation, they keep feeling sorry for themselves, or or just keeping moaning and complaining and not grasping the lessons or the meaning of these events and what they wanted them to see. But we're here. We're here to heal together and always remember that these things happen for us to heal, to heal the programs that we were taught and we managed to catch as children. These events come for us to unlearn things, to wake us up, and this is what healing is all about. And then, in that way, we go back to our true selves, our true selves, our pure selves. So it's all about purification, pure as a baby, and it's an ongoing process. As long as we're alive, we are healing and something happens all of a sudden for us to get our attention to a new thing that happened in the past or a new program that's still there, that doesn't serve us and doesn't really go with our true self. So, again, we keep going through this life. It's it's never ending. This is what healing is all about? Ongoing process, um, but we don't manage to do it. If we're unconscious of this we need to do, to go through it consciously, intentionally and gra, to be able to grasp the meaning of, of these events and things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I know some people will ask okay, this sounds great and all these nice things, but what is the point of sickness? How does that have a meaning? Or like to serve us, how is you know death? What is the message about that? And all these negative things that people always argue and use? What is the point of all these things? What is the point of the suffering that's going on in the world at the moment, at the moment?

Speaker 1:

Um, and I love a quote that I learned from a personal development a expert, a alfiki, who was egyptian expert when it comes to personal development, and he, he said that that if we didn't have the opposite of the meaning, then the meaning of the meaning wouldn't have existed. And I love this quote and it's very true really. And let me explain what. What's the meaning of that? So, basically, when we ask, what is the point of sickness and is it, is it for us to suffer and all these things? But if we did not have sickness, we wouldn't really realize the value of, of our health.

Speaker 1:

Let's face it a most of the time human beings are distracted and and the majority not let's not say all the majority take their health for granted. And really, if, if a person never experienced any kind of sickness in their life, they would never know the true value of having health. So really having sickness we can see as a blessing because it teaches us the true value of our health. So we learn not to take our health for granted ever again after we experience a sickness. And and this can this example can go to so many things in life, a like things that we can see as negative, but they actually teach us the true value of the positive thing, like, for example, poverty, not having money. You know it teaches us the value of having money, of not needing to ask people and be able to actually know the value of wealth and how we can give people. If you never experienced lack in your life, you wouldn't understand the true value of having and you wouldn't really learn giving.

Speaker 1:

And maybe you do, but sometimes you can't take it for granted how the opposite of something quote-unquote good can teach us the, the value, the true value, and to be grateful for the goodness we have in our lives. And again, also, the injustice fuels justice, how we value justice more, how we advocate for justice when we see injustice and oppression. It teaches us the true value of, of, of justice, and it teaches us to take action to, to fuel justice and all these other things. How fake and vanity teaches us the value of truth and living a true life and living to heal as much as we can, to connect with our pure, true selves. Um, yeah, so this is, this is the meaning of having how the opposite of of something teaches us the true meaning, the true value of the other thing really and again wakes us up to go through a conscious healing journey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that always giving some examples can really help in life and and I always love how, if you go through this life intentionally, you can really learn from a daily, day-to-day life situations. You can catch a lesson, and I love how I don't know if you use public transport, but always I find it is a good place for the reflection that you can catch so many lessons and meanings if you choose to. So I really think sometimes if you drive, of course it's a good thing and stuff, but sometimes, because you need to be focused, you can miss out on these reflections and lessons and meanings that you can catch and use in public transport. Anyway, this is from my own experience. So, yeah, so I can give you an example how you can use even day-to-day things or events to grasp meaning. What was this trying to tell me?

Speaker 1:

And one example when I was one day walking home to catch a train to back home. So I was really chilled out that day, which you know, sometimes when you need to catch a train, you usually rush in and stressing out blah, blah. But that particular day I was very relaxed, very chilled out, was walking slowly, I didn't need to catch the train in a particular time. I was because I didn't need to catch the train at a particular time because I didn't have any commitment to do after that. It was a really nice day in Scotland and taking in the nice views, walking back to the train station and I was still in myself deep inside okay, if I didn't manage to catch this train, I'll manage to catch the next one, which is in 30 minutes, and these 30 minutes are not going to be wasted because I have my book so I can read, and you, you can never waste the time when you're feeding. So that what I was telling myself walking slowly and yeah anyway. So I got through the train station surprise was that the train was still there. So I got in and it was all nice and easy and it's like in the flow. In the meantime, I'm looking through the window and they can see it like a person running and running and running and trying to to catch the train, and by that time the doors were shut and the train started, you know, moving.

Speaker 1:

So why I'm saying all this story was because on that particular. So I was asking myself, okay, what can I learn from this? What is the meaning of what? Just what I, what just happened? Like, how I managed to catch the train, despite the fact I wasn't too desperate to catch it. But then this guy, he was desperate to catch it, he might have had something to do, so he, that's why he was really desperate to catch it on that time, blah, blah. So I I reflected on that and then, and then, all of a sudden, I just it's just something came to me. How came to me?

Speaker 1:

How, really, what I got from that particular situation was that how, when we're really not desperate to have something, when we're really not, we know what we want and we, if we have a particular goal, blah blah we just let go of it after doing what we need, but not having this, this being desperate about it and about, oh, I have to do it now, and all these things, how, actually that makes the process easier when we're very relaxed about it. Okay, we know we want to take the train, we know we want to do this thing in life. Of course we we do the right things to to get to that destination. It's not like I wasn't, for example, just standing still and saying it's okay, if I didn't catch the train, I'll catch the next one. Of course I was walking, even though maybe I was. I wasn't rushing, I wasn't running, but still I was moving towards the destination and that's why it was easy for me to catch it. I was not desperate like the person who was running and was desperate to be there and to catch the train and then he did not manage to catch it.

Speaker 1:

So that lesson I saw it through, just this reflection that I reflected through the training journey, how goals can really be attracted to us more easily when we let go of them. Yeah, putting the right seeds, doing what we can and then letting go, not being too attached to the outcome, is really key for things to be more easily fulfilled, rather than this hustling or needy, creepy thing. No, we can be relaxed. Do the right steps we need to do, put the right seeds and things will come to us easily so you can really grasp more beautiful stories, more beautiful, meaningful lessons from such situations, if you choose to reflect and and the beautiful thing about meaning that it is up to us to see or not. So it is your choice.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to live a random life for the rest of what's left of your life, without reflecting on things, without taking opportunities of growth or becoming a better version of you, or do you choose to follow a mindful living path when you can see and grasp a meaning from each situation? If you really reflect with your heart and deeply, you really can catch and grasp these lessons, these meanings that the events is trying to tell you. And, yeah, and how, even if something that can look really bad from the outside, you can see good meaning behind it. And and this is one example of that and how some people say, oh, what is good about this? But we really learn how life is short and learn how we can make the most of this life.

Speaker 1:

And again, this of someone you love can teach you a lot about how you can do more to this world and how, also, to let go fear, because if there is death and end to this life, why are you limiting yourself with some fears? That again from the programs that speak past through generations? And so it's, it's also a way of letting go of fears, also, sometimes the death of someone. It's a really nice, it's. It's a way of actually making them more memorable to more people. I mean and and and show their legacy to more people and have their legacy.

Speaker 1:

This happened with the death of my sister, huda Habibte, when she was killed, and her family, and how, since she, how since that I I talked about her much more than ever when she was alive and it helped me to grasp the so many lessons I learned from her as a wonderful, amazing, kind, inspired and human being she was, and sharing that to so many people that I cannot count at the moment. And and, of course, yeah, inshallah, I'll share it with so many people that I cannot count at the moment and, of course, yeah, inshallah, I'll share it with so many more. So sometimes death can honor a person and their loved ones can be used to share their beautiful legacy. That was meant to be shared because it is inspiring and it is sure worth sharing. So that's another meaning.

Speaker 1:

We can really grasp meaning from so many things and, again, we have the power to see things the way we want and we have the power to see them in a an empowering way. So it's it's, it's your choice and I, I believe you can choose, um, the right choice. Make the right choice for yourself how to see things, how to see events, how to see people in a way that gives you a meaning of growth for yourself and for the world. A I really hope that what I had in my heart, you know, was received to your heart or you. You got it the way that I really wanted it to, to come across and I really pray to all of you for healing and and growth, and really excited, because at the moment I know all the episodes are solo, but I'm looking into and to do an interviews, so watch out, inshallah, in the next weeks we will have weeks we will have guests. Maybe not every week, but I wanted to give you, give you a heads up so you're not confused.

Speaker 1:

If that happened next week and of course, it's exciting and it it's all to hear beautiful sharings from our guests. Again, I'd love to hear from you all any comments, any things that you're keen to, to hear about a relating to healing. I'd love to hear from you. Just drop me an email or a message on instagram and a yeah, this is the way we create a community and make it a more collective healing experience, which is more powerful. So peace be upon you all. Have a great rest of the week and we'll connect with you again next week. Salamat.

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